
The Explorist is an ongoing project focusing on the human body and its relationship to its environment.  Although mainly presented and documented through self-portraiture and photography, much of the work is also a ‘solo performance’ in which I test and explore my environment.

The naked body is important in my work, challenging the dynamic of human vs. nature, and placing myself in a more vulnerable position. It also a way of exploring environments through the skin, sensing temperature, texture and air movement in a way often denied to us. Anonymity in my own photos allows my body to stand in for ‘a human’ or ‘everyman’, rather than me as an individual.

I often use found objects, with minimal intervention, as masks, partly to conceal my identity, but also to explore issues of waste, pollution and consumption. These also play on ideas of the use of masks to represent different characters, to be playful, and on the concept of ‘Maskenfreiheit’.

Many of these ideas are explored in life drawing sessions (details of which can be found elsewhere on my site) and documented on twitter and instagram as an ongoing archive.
