Parallel Ritual DYCP
Parallel Ritual was a project funded by the Arts Council’s DYCP programme, and run between late 2023 and early 2024. I sought to use the funding to set up a number of experimental and playful collaborations with artists, to create space for learning, as well as leading to new collaborations and a cross-fertilisation of ideas.
In addtion to the six collaborative sessions, held across the country, I undertook a study visit to the ‘sound mirrors’ of Kent, and wrote an academic paper on the ritual aspects of life drawing.
All sessions were followed by my own reflective writing, as well as discussions between myself and the colloaborating artists, and collated into a document which can be viewed here.
Collaborators were Fra Beecher, Sam Lucas, Estelle Wooley, Kate Langrish-Smith, Clee Claire Lee, Sarah Villeneau, Sally Barker, Emma Ledwith, Leigh de Vries, Tereza Buskova and Zoe Simon.
A selection of images are below.
image credits (rows from top): Leigh de Vries, Fra Beecher, Estelle Wooley, Kate Langrish-Smith, Carl Gibbons, Emma Ledwith, Explorist